Health Benefits Of Almonds

Almond is a nutritious nut found in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon and other West Asian nations. It helps in improving mental and physical health of humans. Almonds are loaded with Vitamin E, Iron, Phosphorus, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc and Copper. Almonds also contained Fibre, Amygdalin (B17) and anti-cancer nutrients. Almonds are sweet in taste and people of all age groups love to eat them.

Almonds have great value in the field of medicine too. They help in curing diabetes, impotency, respiratory disorder, cough, constipation, anaemia and health disorders. Almonds are very good for brain, skin, hair, teeth and skin. Very few people know that almonds are of two tastes. One sweet that we all eat raw or add in sweets and dishes. Their milk is a healthy and yummy drink. Second category of almonds is of bitter taste. These almonds are used to make almond oil that is good for skin and hair. This oil is also used to add flavour to food items.

The best way to eat almonds is to soak almonds in water at night and eat 7-10 soaked almonds in the morning empty stomach. It will help you in strengthening memory power. This will also help you in getting relief from constipation. Almonds are very good for the heath of children. In a country like India, it is a belief that children start speaking earlier if mother eats good quantity of almonds during pregnancy. It is also suggested to give mashed almonds or almond milk to children who don’t start speaking at the proper time.

Almonds are also good for the health of brain. Growing children and people who do mental work must make almonds the part of their daily diet. Due to their protein and calcium present in them, almonds give strength to brain cells.

Almonds also help in controlling cholesterol level. They are also good for heart. Due to their anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties, almonds reduce the risk of heart diseases. Magnesium is helpful in preventing heart attacks and almonds are a rich source of magnesium. Folic acid present in almonds reduces the level of homocystein that causes fatty plaque build-up in arteries.

Almond oil is a fortunate thing for skin heath. For healthy bones, massage with almond oil is suggested for newborn babies. Almond milk and oil is used in making many beauty products especially moisturisers, body soaps and face creams. As almonds are a good source of Vitamin E, their intake nourishes the skin internally and gives it a shimmering look.

Another benefit of almonds is that they are helpful in reducing body weight. The monosaturated fat of almonds reduces the habit of over eating by satisfying appetite properly. It also helps in controlling the level of blood pressure. Almonds are a rich source of fibre and fibre is good for treating constipation. That is why herbalists advise to eat soaked almonds. Cool drink made from almonds is especially good in summers as it provides a cooling and nourishing effect.

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