Health Benefits Of Ashwagandha Herb

Ashwagandha is a very important herb of the ayurvedic system of medicine. It has a long history that dates back to about 3000 BC. This herb flourishes well in India and North America. It has been used to treat a variety of diseases including tremors, infections and internal as well as external inflammation.

The shoots of this herb are edible and are used as food in many parts of India. Its seeds also find a place in Indian kitchen as they are added to milk to thicken it. This herb is heat neutral – it has no warming or cooling effect on our body. It is even used in Shilajit, which is a famous ayurvedic medicine for sexual enhancement.

It contains alkaloids and withanoloids as its active components. These give it the potential of stimulating the immune system and making our body healthy from the inside. It is also used in case of people who have weak memory or are unable to have sustained mental focus. Old age persons who suffer from dementia also find refuge in this herb.

In modern science, this herb has acquired a special place as far as mental illnesses are concerned. People suffering from paranoia and panic attacks find much relief from this herb. According to a study done some time back, patients who suffered from the above mentioned mental disorders were given small doses of Ashwagandha solution (40-50 ml) two times a day. No other medicine was administered to them. Surprisingly after about 30-35 days, they showed marked improvement. This was a concrete proof of the efficacy of this wonder herb.

It has also been shown to work effectively in case of tumors. Since it possesses anti-inflammatory properties, it is also good for the patients of arthritis. Actually, it contains naturally occurring steroid molecules that have stronger effect than the steroids that are used in the treatment of cancer. Hence, it is beneficial in case of malignant tumors.

Another research was done that tried to map the effect of this herb on the brains of rats. The rats were given its solution and then their brains were examined to look for any kind of changes. It was seen that after the administration of this medicine, the neurotransmitters in the brain were activated much. In fact, acetycholine receptor activity showed marked improvement. This is linked to better cognitive ability and sharp memory. It has also been shown that this herb contains various powerful anti-oxidants that are required to neutralize the ill effects of free radicals that are continuously produced in our body.

However, this herb should not be used indiscriminately as a medicine and in case of any problem a qualified herbalist or ayurvedic doctor should be concerned immediately. It’s true that herbs don’t have side effects on their own, but when used as medicines or in concentrated forms these tend to interfere with the functioning of our body when used indiscriminately.

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