Health Benefits Of Fennel Seeds

Fennel is a multipurpose herb that is used in cooking, eaten raw and even used to flavor various drinks. This herb is very useful for setting right an upset stomach, especially in children. It’s because the presence of vital oils in it is exceedingly large as compared to other herbs of the same family. The essential oils present in Fennel stimulate the production of various gastric juices and help in reducing swelling of stomach and intestines. It has anti-acid nature and proves to be a good appetizer also.

When taken with carrot juice, it can go a long way in strengthening any kind of optic weakness. The combination of beetroot, fennel and carrot juice is a wonderful home remedy against anemia. Fennel contains Histidine, which stimulates the manufacture of Hemoglobin as well as other components of blood. It is also known to cure migraine, dizziness and indigestion. It has good amounts of iron, calcium, carotene, folic acid and vitamin C. As a result, it is useful in case of menstrual and various kinds of breathing disorders too.

When used in a powered form, fennel seeds perform the function of a laxative. The powder is rough and so helps in clearing the bowels. Side by side the stimulating effect of this powder sets right the motion of intestines for proper excretion. Diarrhea is often caused by bacterial action. In this case fennel seeds come in handy. It’s because they contain some components like Anetol that acts as disinfectant. The presence of such compounds as Anetol and Cineole gives it the properties of an expectorant and hence it is helpful in treating respiratory problems too.

Fennel is also helpful in increasing the amount and rate of urination. In this way, it leads to loss of toxic elements from the body. In the case of mothers who breastfeed a baby, this herb increases the secretion of milk. It is beneficial for the infant also as mother’s milk has some of the properties of fennel and hence the child is also saved from flatulence and indigestion.

In case you can’t bear the terrible heat of summers, here is a simple remedy for you. Just soak a handful of fennel seeds in water. Leave them there and when the water turns greenish-yellow, consume that water with sugar and a pinch of black salt. It will surely provide a cooling effect to your body. Fennel seeds are also helpful for preventing hair loss and for providing strength to hair. Some herbalists also use them for preparing medicines that can soothe, relax and calm your body.

However, fennel seeds or medicines made from them should not be taken in excessive amount as it may lead to breathing problems or heart palpitations. This however happens in very less number of people and that too when the amount of fennel intake is too indiscriminate.

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