Health Benefits Of Myrrh

Myrrh (Guggulipid) is also known as guggul. It is obtained from Commiphora Mukul tree. This tree is an inhabitant of India, Africa and Arab countries. Myrrh has been in use since times immemorial. In ancient Rome, myrrh was used for preventing the smell of dead body during funerals. It is a belief that by burning myrrh you can prevent bad souls from entering your home. Herbalists use myrrh to treat the patients of measles, chicken pox, infectious wounds, cold and cough, mums, food poisoning, fever and poor digestion.

Myrrh due to its aromatic quality also acts as a stimulator. It encourages thoughts, blood circulation, nerves and secretions. Myrrh excites pumping action of heart and brain cells. By activating brain cells, it helps in improving brain system and enhances memory. You can check its purity by its darkness and clarity.

Companies dealing with cosmetics and medicines also use myrrh in their products. Myrrh is added by companies for aroma and health benefits in perfumes, tooth pastes, lotions, toiletries and medicine. The oil of myrrh is very useful for body massage. It gives strength and shine to body and skin. It is also very popular in cosmetic world as it is helpful in reducing age effects and wrinkles.

Due to its anti-septic, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic and anti-depressant properties, myrrh is helpful in curing cuts and wounds. It is also useful in preventing viral infections and fevers. It also cures acidity problem. Anti-spasmodic content of myrrh is very useful for getting quick relief from cramps and aches. It is also useful in treating skin problems. Myrrh oil is useful in clearing dark spots and pimples.

Myrrh oil works like an astringent, which is why it is used in making skin lotions. It is significant in treating ringworm, eczema and itches. It is also helpful in dealing with the problem of hair fall. By massaging scalp with myrrh oil, you can cure all scalp related problems like dandruff, hair fall and lice. Myrrh has anti-fungal quality also and is useful in treating cuts, burns and wounds. You can apply myrrh directly on the wound or can consume myrrh also but it is suggested to avoid intake of myrrh in minor injuries. Instead, use its oil for relief.

Sometimes we eat those things that generate acid in the stomach and cause gastric problem. It creates much embarrassment when one disturbs the surroundings by passing gas. For this problem myrrh is a blessing. Myrrh improves digestion and is also helpful in healing stomachache, headache and chest pain because all the three are often the result of gastric problem.

Anti-microbial and anti-viral agents of myrrh prevent humans from infections, cold, cough and viral fever. One thing is very essential to mention here that myrrh has side effects too. Its excessive use can harm the health of your liver and digestive system. So, it is suggested to use myrrh or other such herbs only after consulting your qualified herbalist.

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