Home Remedies For Bee Sting

bee stings home treatment remediesBee sting is really painful. Redness, itchiness and swelling are experienced by the sufferers. It can last for few hours and it should not be felt afterwards. Medical aid must be taken to reduce the effect of poison that is released into the body. Make sure to remove sting from the body with the help of a blunt knife or tweezers. Stung portion should be washed with soap and water to try home treatment.

How to treat bee sting at home is also a question in everybody’s mind, who suffer from this problem and to get rid of the pain as soon as possible, before going to the doctor. Here are some tips as home remedies.

Ice and Toothpaste: It is easy to use ice to cool it down and it is very effective home remedy. Ice reduces pain by numbing the area to decrease the flow of blood to the cold area. Apply ice on the bite for not more than twenty minutes and take a break of at least fifteen minutes between each use of ice.  Try not to squeeze it. It will give relief instantly.

Toothpaste is one of easily available remedy to treat bee sting and nothing is wrong in using it properly at home.

Papaya, Honey and Vinegar Paste: Papaya is a tropical fruit which can be used to treat bee sting at home. Vinegar, baking soda and meat tenderizer paste is very effective in treating bee sting. It is really tried and true remedy for sting portion of the body. Don not try to squeeze the poison of bee. Vinegar will neutralize the venom of a bee to relieve the pains of bee sting.

Other Home Remedies for Bee Sting

  • Essential oils namely Lavender oil and Castor oil can be used locally to reduce the pain and swelling of the infected portion of the body.
  • Mustard dot can be used to cover the bite to reduce pain.
  • Epsom salt and water may be used to soak the bite portion.
  • Plantain leaf is chewed and macerated leaf can be applied on the bite.
  • Even Aloe Vera is very useful in treating bee sting.
  • Fresh parsley is crushed to apply it on the bite.
  • Basil leaves are crushed to use it on bite area.
  • A bit of deodorant is to be dabbed on the bite.
  • Rubbing granulated sugar to get rid of the scar due to the wound.
  • Place a raw onion on the wound.
  • Jewelweed is another natural remedy to reduce itching and burning sensation of bite.
  • Rub wet aspirin on the wound to negate the burning inflammatory sensations.

Rush To The Medical Treatment:

It is really advised to seek medical aid for the patient if the following symptoms are experienced by the victim:

  • The swelling is in side the nose or mouth that can create problem in breathing.
  • Many bees have stung you several times to cause sever pain and swelling.
  • Tongue swelling is experienced.
  • Dizziness is felt.
  • Blurry vision is felt.
  • Nauseous.
  • Difficulty in talking with others.
  • Appearances of rashes or hives
  • Bite area is stung dangerously swelling large in size to cause worries.

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