How To Prevent Leukemia The Herbal Way ?

Leukemia, which is the synthesis of two Greek word leukos and aima is a cancer of blood or bone marrow. Leukos means white and aima means blood. In this disease, blood cells, generally white blood cells grow abnormally and then split into their acute and chronic forms. This disease affects the digestive system, kidneys, lungs and other parts of the body. By and large the victims of this cancer are children. It spreads to the brain and affects the nervous system. Headaches, seizures, weakness, blurred vision, difficulty in balance, vomiting and anemia are the symptoms of this disease.

Leukemia is mounting at an alarming rate but we can prevent it by adhering to simple herbal ways like taking wholesome diet. A healthy diet is good for making good quality blood that further helps in improving the immune system. By avoiding the intake of junk food, dairy products, white sugar, white rice, liquor, tobacco and coffee etc., one can prevent leukemia. Also, regular practice of Yoga and Pranayama helps a lot to strengthen the body’s immune system, which ultimately results as cure of any chronic disease.

Orange and banana fruits are good for preventing cancer. Similarly green and yellow leafy vegetables are also good to eat. To prevent leukemia one must keep his immune system in good form because there is no treatment to kill cancer. Strengthening the immune system can only treat leukemia. For this, one should apply certain rules in life. Fresh air, drinking plenty of pure water, eating balanced diet, taking enough rest, making habit of exercising in fresh air, enjoying sun bask regularly, drinking two to three glasses of carrot juice and eating one fish daily are some of the easy ways. The cancer cells get weak by applying these rules.

For newborn babies, breast milk has certain properties for curing cancer. A research has shown that breast milk can reduce the risk of leukemia by 25%.  For adults, uncooked fruits, vegetables, nuts, sprouted grains are a good option.  High fat diet, junk food and sugar must be eliminated from diet of leukemia patients. These can paralyze the white blood cells.

By improving food habits one can also avoid the pain of treatment of chemotherapy. Uncooked food is live food and it possesses the nutrient value in a wholesome manner. You can’t grow any cooked seed because after cooking it becomes dead. It cannot grow. But you can grow raw seeds. By eating suitable uncooked food you can kill cancer cells in the long run.

The preparation of uncooked food is very simple and tasty too. This food is also known as Functional Food because one eats this diet for a particular function namely that of weakening the leukemia cells from the body by strengthening the immune system. Here are some recipes for functional food.

Grind some nuts like almonds with a grind mill or coffee mill. Add grain seeds in it. Then blend this mixture. This is the healthy way to improve immune system. You can eat it with some fruit or vegetable dip. For a vegetable dip, mix all the vegetable you are fond of, like carrot, cucumber, tomato, peas, spinach etc. and blend them. You can add a little salt for taste. You can decorate it with nuts. Similarly you can make fruit dips. Take one mango, 2 peaches, 4 apricots, ¼ banana, one apple and some quantity of papaya and blend these all. You can also add salt for taste.

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