Natural Remedies For Body Odor

Bromhidrosis or body odor may be caused due the smell of bacteria which grows in the body. Bacteria may grow in large number to be smelt in sweat to cause body odor. Sweat in itself can give odor and it may be due to some medications, health, diet, genetics and many more. This can differ from person to person.

The underarms, feet, anus, pubic hair and skin are the specific body parts to which this odor may be linked. Serious illness, strong medications, fungal infections, liver problems, kidney disease, alcoholism, cavaties, zinc deficiency and toxin presence in the body are the main causes of this disease. Some herbal natural remedies are quite useful to treat this problem.

Radish juice: Radish juice may be included in the diet to avoid body odour. It can be applied on the feet, under the arms and between the toes after the shower. It may be repeated twice in a day to get quick relief from this ailment.

Vinegar: It is very effective remedy to cure this problem. White vinegar and alcohol mixture can be prepared to apply. This will prevent the odor of the body throughout the day. It can be applied on the freshly shaved skin to avoid odor which may sting for a while.

Tomato Juice: This is quite useful remedy to keep odor away from the body. Add 2 cups of tomato juice in bath tub to  get a refreshing bath.

Potato Slices: These potato slices may be rubbed on the underarms to be washed after few minutes to have relief. This will control body odor and perspiration.

Charcoal Capsules: These capsules are easily available in the market two to three capsules to be taken twice or thrice in a day to get relief. It can aid in absorbing waste products to decrease the fermentation.

Rosemary/Tea Tree Oil: Mixture of rosemary oil and tea tree oil can be mixed in small quantity of water for applying on neck, underarm, back, and chest. This will control body odor and perspiration.

Rose Water: It is very simple and very effective remedy for body odor. In bath tub put some drops of rose water before taking bath. This will give you freshness feeling even after bath.

Wheat Grass: It  is also a very effective remedy for body odor. Take about one cup juice of wheat grass daily. Its chlorophyll will control the body odor.

Turnip: Turnip is also very useful for controlling body odor. Squeeze the grated pieces of it to get juice. Apply this on armpits. This will keep you fresh for around ten hours.

Lemon Juice: This is also very effective remedy for body odour. During bath, mix some lime juice in water. It will make you refreshing and odor free.

  • Before going to bath, take half cut lemon and rub it gently on highly sweating body parts like armpits, and leave it for few minutes. This will give you a great relief from body odor.
  • Cotton Clothes are advised to use particularly during the summer to prevent this ailment because these clothes can soak sweat to prevent this problem.
  • In some studies it is found that zinc deficiency can also be the reason of body odor. So, natural source of zinc should be taken daily such as spinach, parsley, cucumbers. It will help to stop body odor.

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