Natural Remedies For Colitis

Colitis is a disease of inflammation of mucus membranes which are lining the colon wall. Mild diarrhea to painful bloating, gas, abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, feeling of urgency, weight loss, hard stools and bleeding are the symptoms of ulcerative colitis. It is usually related to chronic stress, antibiotic usage, food sensitivities and poor dietary habits. Some natural remedies are very effective to treat this ailment.

Pumpkin seeds: These seeds are very effective in treating this ailment and can be taken in small dose every day to get relief from this problem. It helps in calming down the colons.

Bananas: It is quite soothing for intestines and is one of the best remedies for colitis. Two to three bananas may be taken to  soothe colon in order to cure this disease. Make it a habit to eat bananas every day to prevent this problem.

Juice of Cabbage: The juice of cabbage or raw cabbage can be eaten to get relief. It may reduce the inflammation of the colon to give relief in curing colitis. This is one of the common remedies of natural treatment. The cooked cabbage is equally important for colitis.

Papaya with peppermint: It can be taken to heal the colon and it also improves the digestive system. It is one of the best remedies of nature. This may be mixed with garlic to treat this problem. It should be taken early in the morning before taking anything.

Drumsticks: These vegetable sticks can alleviate colitis ailment. The fresh juice of the drumsticks may be mixed with honey to take in the morning with a glass of coconut water to have relief from problem. It can be taken twice or thrice in a day to get quick healing.

Buttermilk: It is residual milk left after the fat is removed from the curd after the chumming. It is one of the best remedies of colitis. This should be taken every day to soothe colon to cure colitis quickly.

Rice: It has got low amount of fiber to bring soothing effect on the colon to treat colitis quickly. It is better to mesh the banana and to be consumed with buttermilk. It can be taken regularly to prevent this problem from recurring.

Pineapple and carrot juice: The juice of pineapple and carrot is very effective to treat this ailment. Bromelain is an enzyme which is found in pineapple reduces inflammation associated with ulcerative colitis and improves digestion. Carrot is also useful for getting moist fibers and enzymes to help digestion.

Triphala: This is a miraculous Indian natural home remedy for any stomach disorder and very effective to cure colitis as well. Triphala is a equal combination of three herbs found in every kitchen in India, these are Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), and Haritaki (Terminalia chebula). Usually 2-5 gm of triphala is taken before sleep in the night regularly.

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