Varicose Veins Herbal Remedies

Varicose veins or spider veins are the blue veins that are visible just underneath your skin. They can be of purple color also and can even appear in clusters especially underneath the skin of legs. They don’t disappear with conventional medicine and often surgery is the last recourse for their treatment.

The case is different with herbal remedies as they don’t just attack the symptoms but counter the root cause of the problem. Such remedies improve the circulatory system of the body in general and strengthen the veins. Once this is achieved the spider veins disappear automatically.

Japanese Pagoda tree provides us with a powerful remedy for this purpose. An extract made from this tree not only strengthens the veins but helps in reducing their inflammation also. The problem of ‘pooling of blood’ also gets eliminated and your legs get free of those embarrassing and ugly clumps of veins.

Witch hazel can be applied directly to the affected part. You can apply it 3-4 times a day for 2-3 weeks. The only thing to be wary of is the allergic reaction that this herb causes in some people. If you feel even an inkling of discomfort while applying this cream, leave this remedy straightaway. Instead you can try wellness oils like Cypress and Geranium. These, when applied on the affected area, increase the blood supply to that part. Consistency in massaging with these oils can completely eliminate the problem of varicose veins.

Another remedy known as horse chestnut is also a proven healer in this case. It contains hesperidins that strengthen the veins. It should only be applied 1-2 times daily for some days and positive results will surely ensue. If you feel pain on the affected part, you should gently massage the area with the oil of chamomile or oil of rosemary. Both these are effective in reducing the swelling and hence the pain. Butcher’s broom, Gotu kola and bilberries are also effective in this case.

Side by side, you should increase the fiber intake in your body as it helps in the further spread of varicose veins. You should also reduce animal protein, fried foods and intake of sugar in your diet. Cheese, salty foods and ice creams should also be avoided as far as possible.

You can also try another simple way of treating the spider veins. Just alternate between hot and cold baths and don’t forget to add Epsom salt to water while doing so. It will stimulate circulation in your blood and lessen the clusters of veins. In case you are not interested in taking full body bath, just dip your legs or arms in such water for some time.

Increase the ingestion of Vitamin C, Vitamin B and Vitamin E in your diet through food intake. Refrain from taking these vitamins in the form of capsules but adhere to the natural way.

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