How to Remove Skin Tags at Home?

Skin tags are nothing but the skin abnormality usually found on neck, armpit, or eyelid, back of the knee or inside elbow. Skin tags appear as loose and soft skin and it will be hanging from the body. Although they do not pose any challenges or threats to the body, but these are little uncomfortable and the person may get the feeling of embarrassment. Few popular home remedies have given big relief for those who are suffering from skin tags. Home remedies save your time as well as money, as the cost of removing it with surgery is getting higher and higher.

  • The best way to get rid of these skin tags is to cut the supply of blood to the tagged spot. The intensity of these tags usually depends upon the amount of blood getting supplies from the body, hence if we could cut the supply then the skin will suffocate and slowly the tags will fall off. You can tie a string to the base of the tags to cut the blood supply.
  • For about half an hour, Immerse the affected area in warm water, then pat it dry. Then dip the cotton cloth in apple cider vinegar, put it on the affected area for about 15 minutes. Repeat the same procedure till the affected skin sheds off.
  • As potato has heeling power, you can use it to get rid from skin tags. Bind the potato with the help of bandage and cloth. Slowly the skin becomes black and finally the tags will fall off.
  • The mixture of baking soda either with water or castor oil work as best home remedy for skin tags. This mixture prevents from increasing the infection and gradually effects on skin tags.
  • Juice of dandelion roots is also a proven natural remedy, as it can be applied to the affected area regularly for few weeks.
  • Immerse the affected area in a body sanitizer, this will start the tags to decay and slowly peels off. But make sure you are using only body sanitizer and not the one which we use to clean the house.
  • With the help of sterilized nail cutter you can cut the tags, but you need to tie the tags with the dental floss and then put the ointment and cover it with the bandage.
  • Even if you press the skin tags for more than a minute also helps in getting the rid from the tags.

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