Restless Leg Syndrome Natural Treatment

Restless leg syndrome is a sensory disorder which compels the patient to move his legs. This creates a discomfort while trying to sleep in the night or while sitting on a couch for a little longer duration. People suffering from Restless Leg syndrome often spend restless sleepless nights walking in the hallway or moving the legs every two minutes to satisfy the urge. There is very little explanation that medical science has to offer as to what are the exact causes of this nonetheless; no perfect medication is available which has been proven to be a cure for the restless leg syndrome.

There are a few Restless leg syndrome home remedies which have helped a lot of people have peaceful sleep in the nights who were suffering from it for years. Different people have different body compositions and hence it’s difficult to predict which exact home remedy will help cure the restless leg syndrome. The most popular and effective ones are listed below. You may want to experiment a bit with these home remedies for a while and see which suits you:

Get rid of caffeine: Beverages like coffee and tea contain high amount of caffeine and avoiding these for a while.

Say no to alcohol and tobacco: You heard it right. You’ll have to refrain yourself from having alcohol and cigarette or pipe until you are sure that that’s not causing the Restless Leg Syndrome in your body. After all you have been craving to sleep peacefully in the night and have been tired of moving your legs every now and then.

Pseudo cycling: Lie down on the bed or a flat surface, lift your legs to a comfortable height and move the legs in a circular motion as if you were cycling. Do this for ten minutes and boom! Your urge for leg movement will disappear and help you sleep. This is one of the most common restless leg syndrome home remedy.

Avoid stress or tension: Avoid stress as it adds all the more trouble while we try to deal with restless leg syndrome. Try to keep yourself happy by doing what you enjoy so that your focus shifts on the fun part and you forget all your bodily anomalies.

Take a hot water bath: Even better, soak your legs in hot water mixed with salt for 10-15 minutes. This is one of the oldest restless leg syndrome home remedy. The hot water enhances the blood circulation in your legs and salt takes away all the pain from them.

Wear woolen socks while going to bed: Keeping your legs warm while going to bed gives them an extra comfort feeling. Do cover your legs with a sheet or blanket as per your preferences.

Exercise: Make exercise a part of your daily schedule. Focus on jogging, leg presses and stretching which enhance the blood circulation and strengthen the muscles.

Food habits: Eat a meal complete with all the nutrients. People over the age of 35-40 should consider taking natural food supplements for vitamin B, iron, calcium and magnesium. Calcium has been the most common restless leg syndrome home remedy.

Stay positive: Practice some meditation or yoga and just think that you have peaceful sleep every night.

The home remedies suggested above might be required to be used in conjugation get rid of restless leg syndrome. A healthy living and healthy thinking is what has been promoted in the last 3 points which will definitely help and not hamper in anyway. Hoping that you find your prefect restless leg syndrome home remedy in the above list!

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