Natural Ways to Induce Labour at Home

Now that you have enjoyed all the experiences of carrying baby in your womb for nine months and have your due date already gone, the joy of motherhood is making you extremely anxious and the thought of holding your baby is one that is constantly on your mind. Just be careful not to let your excitement push you to do anything that could be harmful to you or your baby. Below mentioned are some effective natural ways to induce labour at home and take your body a bit closer to labor, once it is already ready and the process has begun, but before trying any of the remedies you must first discuss it with your medical consultant for safety especially if you have experienced any medical complications or difficulties through your pregnancy.

Herbs: A number of herbal supplements like black and blue cohosh and nettle tea are said to help in induction. Also herbal preparations, such as red raspberry leaf tea, which is said to prepare, strengthen, tone and relax the uterus. Evening primrose oil is another herb can be taken orally and inserted vaginally to encourage the cervix to soften.

Tropical Fruits: Some fruits, such as kiwi, pineapples and mangoes, have been known to carry certain enzymes that may help soften and tone the cervix, and help you to prepare for easy delivery. Make sure you are having it fresh and properly washed.

Spicy Food: If your stomach can take the heat then you can have spicy food, eggplant, ginger root and balsamic vinegar. These foods have been associated with inducement of labor pains since long. The spicy foods that have been known to release capsaisins, which have been associated with jump starting contractions.

Castor Oil: Castor oil is a remedy which has been used for years for labor induction. Swallowing one to four ounces of castor oil causes intestinal cramping which may also stimulate the uterus to contract due to the close proximity to the intestines. A bowel movement will result after taking the castor oil.

Acupressure or Acupuncture: Adding acupressure to your repertoire can be useful in relaxing you to prepare for labor and this treatment can also be used throughout to reduce discomfort and stress. You or your partner can apply light pressure to the recommended points using your thumbs and fingers throughout the day in order to start contractions. Make sure that you know the right pressure points. If you aren’t sure for the right points then you can appoint a qualified acupressure professional.

Walking: The best recommended exercise and advice for pregnant women is walking. Walk, walk and walk some more! Walking can help induce labor when contractions have started but are inconsistent and infrequent. Walking helps open up the pelvis, while gravity assists the baby in descending. As the baby’s head puts pressure on the cervix, labor can begin if the baby and the mother’s body are both ready. Once in labor, walking will encourage the contractions to continue and may help the mother progress more quickly.

Intercourse: Intercourse with your spouse 2 or more times a week toward the end will do a lot to get the ball rolling. Semen contains prostaglandins which cause the cervix to “ripen”, or soften and prepare to open.

Nipple stimulation: It causes the release of oxytocin, the same hormone that causes uterine contractions and tricks your body into thinking you’re breastfeeding causing your uterus to contract. The usual recommendation is 15 minutes of continual stimulation on each nipple each hour for several hours.

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