Herbal Remedies For Sagging Skin

With advancing age the elasticity of the skin decreases and free radicals which have damaging effect on the skin also increase. This, along with a decrease of fat layer under the skin which holds it, results in sagging of the skin. Though this is part of the aging process, and is generally not reversible, but by using certain time tested herbs, this sagging process can be delayed. In case the sagging has started earlier than it normally would, consequent to fast weight loss or some disease, it can be reversed.

It is essential to keep the skin healthy and properly hydrated to delay the sagging process. The following herbal remedies can prove helpful:

Hops are an important remedy to save the skin. This herb contains oestrogen which helps in the formation of collagen, essential for the firmness and flexibility of the skin, thus rejuvenating it. Use of hops in a warm water bath helps skin to tighten.

Primrose oil, an essential oil, helps tighten the sagging skin. Experts recommend that a drop of this oil should be mixed with an equal quantity of Neroli essential oil and rubbed on the face after bath using a cotton ball.

Ginkgo is a natural herb. If consumed as a tea, it helps improve blood circulation, increases supply of oxygen to skin and production of collagen. All these are factors necessary for a firmer and elastic skin.

Rosemary oil has astringent properties and helps to improve blood flow and elasticity of the skin. This oil should be rubbed on the sagging skin to tighten it up.

Chamomile herb can be used to strengthen the skin. A handful of this herb can be boiled in water. Once it starts boiling, let the water simmer. Expose your face to the steam. Cover your head with a towel and expose face to steam for some time so that the skin absorbs the rising steam. This will strengthen it and provide hydration too.

Mix a few drops of egg yolk and wheat germ oil. Apply it thinly on your face and let it dry for about thirty minutes. After this wash with cool water. Noticeable results will be seen after some time.

You can make herbal tea comprising of three parts walnut leaves, two part black currant leaves and a part of meadowsweet along with a small quantity of peppermint and stinging nettle. A teaspoon of this mixture should be mixed with boiling water in the same way we make tea, and consumed without sugar after meals twice or thrice a day for better results.

Washing the face with hot water with Epsom salt and there after applying cucumber juice is helpful to rejuvenate the skin. Wash 20 minutes after application.

Remember all natural remedies are slow processes and will take time for the skin to firm up.

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